NGO and charity committed to reducing injury in sport

Technology Partner


Helping people make better business decisions with an accurate, live single view of their data
  • Infoshare is a UK master data management company with a mission to give organisations the confidence to use their data for good.

    They deliver the trusted and accurate data foundation needed to unlock value in data and use it to drive business outcomes. ClearCore, their industry-leading technology was developed alongside police analysts to find more links than ever within critical, complex, and disconnected data. They’ve helped provide real world impact across the public and private sector, including identifying vulnerable people, detecting fraud, and delivering multi-million-pound savings.

    How we're working together

    Podium Analytics’ SportSmart app is a vital tool in its mission to better understand and mitigate injuries. The free-to-use platform can be used by sports coaches, PE teachers and parents to log, monitor and manage sports injuries. It provides a "single player view”, which enables schools and clubs to share a player’s participation and injury information. The goal is to enable greater oversight and knowledge sharing between relevant organisations, helping PE teachers, sports coaches and volunteers take appropriate steps to manage players’ workload, injuries and return to play.

    Infoshare has a critical role in delivering a customer-focused solution, and ensuring high standards of data accuracy and quality. Using Infoshare’s ‘ClearCore’, Podium cleanses and matches each player’s data from multiple sources.

    Infoshare’s ‘ConsentMaster’ technology enables Podium to manage compliance across all its work, ranging from data protection and contact preferences to the ethical consents required to share personal information in academic research.