NGO and charity committed to reducing injury in sport

Wanted: young people with experience of playing sport for a club or school team to take part in designing a research project

  • What is this project about?

    We want to find out what young people (aged 11-18) think about how sport and sports injury are linked with mental health and wellbeing. We are looking for young people to design this research project with us so that the outcomes are relevant to this age group.

    Who can apply to take part? 

    You are aged 11-18 and you play (or have played) competitive sport for a club or team.

    We especially want to hear from you if you do the following: football, rugby, athletics, swimming, hockey, netball, tennis or cricket.

    You will feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and ideas with adults and with other young people.

    What will I need?

    Access to a desktop or laptop computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection, after school hours.

    What will I have to do?  

    You will be invited to take part in two online (videoconference) group discussions via Zoom or Teams. Groups will consist of two or three other young people and one or two adult researchers. Each one will last around one hour. Discussions will be recorded but they will not be shared with anyone outside the research team.

    In the first session, in late October or early November, we will discuss the best way to ask other young people questions about sport, mental wellbeing and injury. For example, we will consider whether young people feel comfortable talking about these issues in groups? Are the issues different in Year 7 compared to Year 13? We will also discuss how we could use social media to ask questions. 

    The outcomes of these discussions will inform the design of our main research project, which will take place in November. 

    In the second session, in December, we will discuss the results and implications of the research project. For example, we will consider whether we have understood correctly what young people told us – and what conclusions you would draw from their answers.

    What are the benefits of taking part?

    We will pay you £25 per session (£50 in total). By representing young people’s views and concerns, you will be helping to create useful knowledge about youth sport, injury and mental wellbeing. 

    What happens if I no longer want to take part?

    We understand that things can change. You are free to stop at any time – no-one will be upset and there will not be any penalty. You will be paid for the time you have spent working with us.


    If you think this could be you, please email us to arrange a chat to find out more:
